
    Our correspondence with Gresham’s School

    Back again with some great news from Gresham’s Pen friends ! →More details
    Several letters crossed the Channel this year and correspondence with our British pen friends from Gresham (Holt, Norfolk) was really successful and brilliant. The last exchange took place two months ago. 6E children wrote and draw beautiful letters to tell their correspondents about their daily home and school routine, school timetable, Xtra school activities… They could compare timetables and activities, enrich their vocabulary, ask and answer their pen friends’ questions about their own habits. We finally concluded this enriching experience for both sides with mouthwatering letters as we just received some fresh and appetizing recipes so easy to make that no doubt every greedy 6E pupil will be cooking during summer holidays ! So here are 6E final present to conclude the school year with some typical British-American recipes.

    Click !BrowniesChocolate cakePancakes

    Marie-Dominique FRESNEL


    This year again, we have been fortunate with the news from the British Royal Family !
    The birth of Princess Charlotte has enabled the pupils to study several articles published in the British press, an opportunity for them to tackle authentic texts and to work in groups. Following this extensive reading comprehension activity, the pupils were then asked to write a personal letter to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to congratulate them on the birth of their daughter. The letters were amazing and it was difficult to select which ones would be sent to Clarence House. In the end, about a dozen letters were chosen and everyone in year 7C and 7D signed the letters before they were sent. We are now eargerly waiting for a reply and hope that HRH Prince William's secretary will be as efficient as she was when the current year 9 pupils wrote after Prince George's birth !


    Cette année, à nouveau, nous avons eu beaucoup de chance avec les nouvelles de la famille royale britannique !
    La naissance de la Princesse Charlotte a permis aux élèves d'étudier des documents authentiques grâce à plusieurs articles parus dans la presse britannique. Après cette activité de compréhension écrite, les élèves ont ensuite rédigé une lettre personnelle à l'intention du Duc et la Duchesse de Cambridge afin de les féliciter pour la naissance de leur fille, Charlotte. Il a été difficile de faire une sélection et finalement, une douzaine de lettres ont été choisies pour leur originalité et leur humour. Avant d'être envoyées à Clarence House, tous les élèves de 6ème C et D ont signé chacune des lettres. Nous attendons maintenant impatiemment une réponse du Duc et de la Duchesse et espérons que la secrétaire du Prince William sera aussi efficace qu'au moment de la naissance du Prince George !

    Maryline Fenner

    Séance de signatures

    Bienvenue Mari !

    Collégienne irlandaise en immersion au collège Sainte Thérèse

    Mari introduces herself

    Je m'appelle Mari Downing et j'ai 16 ans. J'habite avec mes parents et mon frère à Newbridge, près de Dublin, en Irlande. Je suis venue en France avec 13 autres élèves irlandais, avec une association irlandaise, 'Living Language'. Cette année à l'école (en Irlande), c'était une année differente; 'Transition Year'.
    C'est une année entre 3ème et les années de préparation pour nos examens de 'Leaving Certificate' .
    Cette année comporte des excursions, des stages de travail, travail de charité et un peu de travail scolaire. Alors, comme les autres élèves dans ma classe, j'ai décidé d'aller en France pour apprendrer le francais.
    Mon école s'appelle Newbridge College. Il y a 850 élèves et 70 professeurs.
    Pour les examens 'Junior Certificate', on choisit environs 11 matières. Pour les examens 'Leaving Certificate', on choisit au moins 6 matières. Mes matières préferés sont l'anglais et les sciences. Je voudrais travailler dans les sciences quand je serai plus agée.
    Mes passe-temps favoris sont la musique, la lecture et regarder les films. Je joue du piano et de la guitare, et j'aime écouter la musique ; mon groupe préferé est 'Wolf Alice'. Mon livre préferé est 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' et mon film préferé est 'Clueless'.

    My name is Mari Downing and I'm 16 years old. I live with my brother and my parents in Newbridge, near Dublin, in Ireland.
    I came to France with 13 other Irish students through an Irish company, Living Language. This year in school was a special year called Transition Year. It's like a bridge between 3eme and preparing for our Leaving Cert exams. It involves lots of fun trips and work experience, as well as volunteering for charity and some school work. So, like some other students in my class, I decided to go to France to learn some French.
    My school is called Newbridge College and it's a mixed day-school, with pupils aged 12-18. There are around 850 students and 70 teachers.
    For our Junior Certificate exams, we take around 11 subjects, including PE and Health classes. For our Leaving Certificate exams, we take at least 6 subjects, but most take more.
    My favourite subjects are English and Science, and I would like to work in the sciences when I'm older. I have a few hobbies outside of school. I play hockey with my friends on one of the school teams. I also play piano and guitar, and I like listening to music. 'Wolf Alice' is my favourite band. I like reading and watching films – 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' is my favourite book and 'Clueless' is my favourite film.

    3C 3C

    Mari as a Mathematics teacher → Click !


    Classe 6ème D et leurs correspondances : bientôt ! Classe 6ème C et leurs correspondances

    Nous étions loin d'imaginer en avril 2011, lors du séjour à Barcelone avec Madame Le Floch, que nous ferions la connaissance d'un professeur américain de Long Island, New York.
    La correspondance entre Tooker Avenue School a commencé en septembre 2011 avec
    les élèves qui sont maintenant en ...3ème !
    Ils se souviennent de leurs correspondants en 6ème et ils se souviennent aussi de la rencontre avec Diana, jeune chef pâtissier du New Jersey, par une froide journée de janvier 2012.
    Diana était venue accompagnée de Gaël, un autre excellent pâtissier et ensemble, ils avaient préparé de délicieux brownies pour une dégustation fort appréciée. Cliquez !
    Lors de cette rencontre, plusieurs photos avaient été prises. Vous pouvez les admirer au CDI, à côté des jolis dépliants sur New York City réalisés par les élèves de 3ème.
    Saurez-vous reconnaître les élèves sur les photos? Ils ont quelque peu changé depuis 3 ans !
    Tout près des dépliants, un panneau est consacré à la correspondance actuelle entre Tooker Avenue School et les élèves de 6ème C et D. Cliquez !
    Vous trouverez aussi un drapeau très particulier, offert à une banque new-yorkaise juste après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001.

    Little did we know when we went to Barcelona in April 2011 with Mrs Le Floch that we would meet an American teacher from Long Island, New York. The correspondence with Tooker Avenue School started the following September and the pupils involved in year 7 at that time are now in year 10 !
    They all remember the letters from their penpals but they also remember meeting Diana, a great pastry chef from New Jersey who visited the school on a cold January day in 2012.
    She came with Gaël, another great pastry chef and together, they made brownies for the pupils to taste. Click !
    Photos were taken during the visit and you can now admire them in the school library, along with some fantastic flyers about New York City made by all three classes of year 10.
    Will you be able to recognize who's who on the photos ?
    Not far from the flyers and the photos, you can read and learn about the current correspondence between year 7 C and D. Click !
    On the display, you will also find a special flag which was given after 9/11.


    Some letters → Cliquez !

    Maryline Fenner

    English sketches English sketches English sketches English sketches English sketches English sketches

    WOW ! Fantastic !

    Vendredi 30 janvier 2015, les élèves de 6ème ont passé l’après-midi
    avec des acteurs de la Compagnie V.O.,
    Suzy comédienne qui vient de Manchester
    et Jeff un américain de Las Vegas.
    Les élèves ont été invités à jouer avec les comédiens dans la langue de Shakespeare.
    Le thème choisi : THE WITCH !


    Suzy a posé des questions en anglais et les réponses des élèves ont permis de construire
    le scénario. Résultats ?! Spontanéité, créativité et imagination et surtout humour étaient
    au rendez-vous pour des histoires abracadabrantes !
    Tous les rôles ont été joués par les élèves acteurs en herbe, même le chat d’une sorcière
    et les…décors ! Si ! Si ! ... une marmite, et même une porte !
    Cette séance ludique d’une heure a permis aux élèves de mettre en pratique leurs capacités d’écoute, de compréhension et de réactiver ce qui avait été appris en cours.

    Une excellente manière pour une majorité de vaincre sa timidité 
    et de prendre confiance en anglais !

    Marie-Dominique FRESNEL

    Our new correspondence with Gresham’s School

    Les élèves de 6E ont entamé une correspondance avec un groupe de 14 élèves britanniques de l’école de Gresham. L'école de GreshamCliquez ! (en anglais Gresham's School), est une école historique et prestigieuse en Angleterre.
    Fondée en 1555, elle est située à Holt, Norfolk, près de la mer du nord. Elle accueille environ 730 élèves âgés de huit
    à dix-huit ans. Un échange de lettres en français et en anglais a commencé au mois de novembre.
    C’est ainsi que les élèves ont pu faire connaissance avec leur " pen pals " et échanger sur leurs familles, leurs animaux domestiques, leurs sports et activités préférés, leurs goûts et leurs meilleur(e)s ami(e)s. Les questions fusent et les illustrations et collages en tous genres montrent l’enthousiasme suscité des deux côtés de la Manche.
    Juste avant Noël les élèves de 6E avaient préparé quelques petits cadeaux et friandises locales, très appréciés par leurs petits camarades d’outre-Manche. Au retour des vacances de Noël ce fut au tour des élèves français d’ouvrir leurs présents et les surprises envoyées par leurs correspondants.
    Le début d’un échange déjà fructueux et source d’une forte motivation, que tous et toutes souhaitent voir durer. Une opportunité nouvelle pour les 6E de pratiquer l’anglais et d’approfondir leur connaissance de la culture britannique
    à travers la compréhension et l’expression écrite. Nous espérons être bientôt en mesure de découvrir " en live " les 14 correspondants de la Gresham’s School grâce à Skype et pratiquer ainsi la compréhension et l’expression orale.

    In November, Sainte Therese year 7E started a correspondence with Gresham’s SchoolClick ! and a group
    of 14 Prep school pupils. Gresham is a historical school and one of the most prestigious in England. It was founded in 1555 and it is located in Holt, Norfolk, on the North Sea coast. Our pupils exchanged letters in English and in French. This was the occasion to discover their pen pals through letters about their city, family, pets, favorite sports and hobbies, best friends but also about Christmas time and traditions. Decorations and illustrations of all kinds on the letters were beautiful. There were so many questions there is no doubt about the growing curiosity and enthusiasm on both sides of the Channel. The opening of the presents (and tasting of their very first British goodies!) was a particularly special moment and the Pupils were thrilled. sidering this is an invaluable occasion for
    Sainte Therese 6E pupils to learn about each others, practice English “for real” and improve their writing skills, we hope this will be a long lasting exchange. Hopefully we will soon have the opportunity to discover Gresham’s correspondents and practice our speaking skills “for real” thanks to Skype !
    Long live this exchange ! We’ll keep you informed !

    Marie-Dominique FRESNEL

    So famous landmarks of LONDON !

    The pupils of classes 9A and 9B created booklets to present famous landmarks (monuments, attractions, places and museums) in London.

    A l’issue d’une séquence consacrée à l’étude de Londres (se déplacer, se loger, visiter), les élèves de 4èmeA et 4èmeB ont effectué des recherches sur les monuments et attractions les plus célèbres de Londres.
    Ils ont ensuite créé un dépliant par binôme pour présenter le lieu de leur choix. L’exposition est visible au CDI.
    Ce travail sera exploité plus concrètement par les élèves de 4èmeA qui se rendent à Londres du 2 au 7 février 2015. Click !
    Ils visiteront la plupart des monuments sur lesquels ils ont travaillé et se déplaceront dans la ville, notamment en métro, et pourront ainsi mettre en pratique les connaissances qu’ils ont acquises sur ce sujet.

    Stéphanie PLANTARD

    Bienvenue Samuel

    collégien irlandais en immersion au collège Sainte Thérèse

    Who is Samuel ?

    by Clémentine, 10C

    Samuel is a new Irish student in 10 C.
    He is 14 years old and he has come to France with the aim of learning French.
    In Ireland, he lives in Nenagh, in Tipperary, in the center of Ireland. Right now, the weather in Ireland is the same as in France. To come to France, he took the plane from Dublin to London and .... to continue, click !

    By Émilie, 10C

    His name is Samuel.
    He lives in Nenagh in the center of Ireland.
    Sam has already been to France. He has been to Paris for one day and several times to the Alps for skiing. Now he is in Muzillac !!!
    He has come to our school because he wants to speak good French. His school in Ireland is called Glenstal .... to continue, click !

    By Erell, 10C

    Samuel is Irish and he has come in France to learn how to speak good French.
    He lives in Nenagh in Tipperary, in the centre of Ireland.
    His school is called Glenstal and it's a boarding school for boys only. They have no uniform but they must have collared shirts. Samuel is learning Gaelic .... to continue, click !

    By Juliette, 10C

    Samuel lives in Nenagh in Tippelary in the center of Ireland. He has two sisters and one brother.
    Sam loves sailing and France. His favourite football team is Liverpool and his favourite French meal is crêpes.
    He is not sure about his future job. He speaks Gaelic ... to continue, click !

    Samuel as a Mathematics teacher → Click !

    By Lisa, 10C

    Let me introduce Samuel !
    Samuel has got two sisters and one brother.
    He left from Dublin early September and travelled to London by plane. Then, he travelled to Dinan also by plane.
    He is in France to learn French. He likes France, Liverpool and sailing. He has already been to France ... to continue, click !

    Classe 3C

    by Clémentine, 10C

    Samuel is a new Irish student in 10 C.
    He is 14 years old and he has come to France with the aim of learning French.
    In Ireland, he lives in Nenagh, in Tipperary, in the center of Ireland. Right now, the weather in Ireland is the same as in France. To come to France, he took the plane from Dublin to London and, in London, he took another plane as far as Dinan.
    His school is only for boys and it's a boarding school. The school is called Glenstal, it is in a castle in Limerick. In class, they learn to speak Gaelic ! In their school they don't wear a uniform but they must have a t-shirt with a collar.
    Samuel dœsn't have any ideas about his future job.
    His favourite French meal is Crêpes !
    He has two sisters and one brother and with his family, they have already been in France for skiing in the Alps, near Chamonix.
    He has also been to Paris for one day and he says "It's a beautiful city ! "
    Samuel likes sailing and he loves France,
    and we... already love Samuel !

    By Émilie, 10C

    His name is Samuel.
    He lives in Nenagh in the center of Ireland.
    Sam has already been to France. He has been to Paris for one day and several times to the Alps for skiing. Now he is in Muzillac !!!
    He has come to our school because he wants to speak good French. His school in Ireland is called Glenstal, it's a boarding school where there are only boys !!!
    There is no uniform but tracksuits are not allowed and the boys have to wear a collared t-shirt.
    At school Sam has to learn Gaelic. Sam says the weather in France is the same as in Ireland at the moment.
    He loves sailing and his favorite English football club is Liverpool. Sam has two sisters and one brother.
    His favorite French meal is Crêpes !!!

    By Erell, 10C

    Samuel is Irish and he has come in France to learn how to speak good French.
    He lives in Nenagh in Tipperary, in the centre of Ireland.
    His school is called Glenstal and it's a boarding school for boys only. They have no uniform but they must have collared shirts. Samuel is learning Gaelic, it's a school subject. He has already been to France, to Paris for one day and to the Alps near Chamonix for skiing. When he travelled to France early September, he took the plane from Dublin to Dinan via London. He has two sisters and one brother. Samuel's favorite French meal is crepes. He is not sure about his future job. He enjoys sailing and he loves France !
    According to Samuel, the weather in France is the same as in Ireland at the moment. Samuel is staying in France until Halloween and he will back after half term. Then, at Christmas, he will return to Ireland.

    By Juliette, 10C

    Samuel lives in Nenagh in Tippelary in the center of Ireland.
    He has two sisters and one brother. Sam loves sailing and France. His favourite football team is Liverpool and his favourite French meal is crêpes. He is not sure about his future job. He speaks Gaelic because in his school, Gaelic is a subject. He has skied in France, in the Alps, near Chamonix. He has also been to Paris for one day. He has come to France to learn French. In his school, he does not wear a uniform but he wears a collared t-shirt. He mustn't wear a tracksuit except for PE. His school is called Glenstal, it is in Limerick and it is a boarding school. Samuel had heard of Brittany. The weather in Ireland is the same as in France at the moment.
    He left Dublin for London by plane and he took another the plane to Dinan.
    Samuel goes back home for the Halloween holidays and he then returns to Muzillac until Christmas.

    By Lisa, 10C

    Let me introduce Samuel !
    Samuel has got two sisters and one brother.
    He left from Dublin early September and travelled to London by plane. Then, he travelled to Dinan also by plane. He is in France to learn French. He likes France, Liverpool and sailing. He has already been to France in Chamonix for skiing. He has also spent one day in Paris and today he is in Muzillac. The weather in France is similar to the weather in Ireland at the moment. Samuel lives in Nenagh, in Tipperary in the center of Ireland.
    In his school, there is no uniform but he mustn’t wear a tracksuit. He must have a collared tee-shirt. His school is called Glenstal in Limerick and it is a boarding school. Samuel speaks Gaelic because it is a school subject. He is not sure about his future job.
    His favourite meal in France is crepes.
    Samuel is here until half term and then until Christmas.

    Live communication with Tooker Avenue School

    Skype Skype Skype Skype

    Vendredi 16 mai 2014, deux classes de 6ème ont eu l’opportunité de communiquer avec leurs correspondants américains du Tooker Avenue School de Long Island, New York, grâce à Skype. Pendant une heure, les élèves des deux côtés de l’Atlantique ont pu échanger sur leurs goûts, leurs sports préférés, leur famille et leur routine quotidienne.
    Le décalage horaire a permis aux élèves de sixième de vivre en direct le serment au drapeau, le Pledge of Allegiance, prêté chaque matin dans toutes les écoles américaines, et d’entendre le principal de l’école américaine communiquer son message pour la journée. Une opportunité supplémentaire pour les élèves français de pratiquer leur anglais, tant au niveau de la compréhension orale que de l’expression orale mais surtout d’approfondir leurs connaissances culturelles. Notre précédent Skype

    On Friday May 16th, year 7C and 7D shared a very special moment with their American penpals. Thanks to Skype, they were able to communicate for more than an hour.
    They talked about their hobbies, their likes and dislikes, their favourite sports, their routine and so on. Year 7C were particularly lucky as they were able to witness the Pledge of Allegiance,  "live" thanks to the time difference of 6 hours between France and the US. It was a very special moment indeed as the French pupils had been studying the Pledge in class as part of their penpals' school routine. Once again, new technologies have enabled sets of pupils to share their cultural differences and to learn more about one another. It was also a wonderful opportunity for the Sainte Thérèse pupils to practise their speaking skills. Our last Skype

    Maryline Fenner

    Our Correspondence with Kensington Palace

    En octobre dernier, à l’occasion du baptême du Prince George, les élèves de cinquième A ont pris leur plus belle plume pour rédiger une lettre de félicitations à l’intention du Duc et de la Duchesse de Cambridge. Il a été impossible de sélectionner une seule lettre dans la classe, sept au total ont été envoyées à Clarence House, chacune apportant une touche très personnelle et originale de son auteur. Hier, vendredi 13 décembre 2013, une réponse personnalisée de Kensington Palace arrivait au collège, pour la plus grande joie des élèves ! Cette réponse était accompagnée d’un portrait officiel destiné à la classe.
    Cette activité d’écriture en anglais est la troisième du genre, après le mariage du Duc et de la Duchesse de Cambridge en 2011 et le jubilé de diamant de la Reine Elisabeth en 2012. La réception d’une réponse à chaque fois est une belle récompense pour les élèves. Il ne reste plus qu’à attendre un prochain événement dans la famille royale !

    Notre correspondance avec le palais de Buckingham

    In October, as Prince George’s baptism was taking place, the students of grade 7A wrote, with special care, a letter of congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Due to the extensive number of well-written letters, it was impossible to choose only one letter to send to the Duke and Duchess which is why we chose not one but seven letters, full of character and originality to send to Clarence House. Yesterday, Friday 13th December, a personalized response from Kensington Palace was sent to the school, to the great joy and enthusiasm of the students. The royal response was accompanied with an official picture for the class.
    This letter-writing activity is not the first of its kind since two other letters were written prior to the last one when the royal couple married in London in 2011, as well as in 2012 when Queen Elizabeth II’s diamond jubilee took place. For each of these letters, we have received a response which is a real reward for the students. We are therefore looking forward to a new event involving the Royal family so as to resume our letter-writing activities !

    Our Correspondence with Buckingham Palace
    Séance de signatures au CDI
    Séance de signatures au CDI
    Les 7 lettres sélectionnées

    Royal Exhibition

    Maryline Fenner



    Le Collège Sainte Thérèse a eu l’honneur d’accueillir deux joueurs de l’équipe australienne de rugby actuellement présente à Vannes pour la coupe du monde des moins de 20 ans. Andrew et Phil ont été accueillis sous les applaudissements d’une soixantaine d’élèves réunis au CDI pour les interviewer. Pendant une heure, les deux joueurs ont répondu aux questions posées en anglais par les élèves. Quant à ceux pratiquant le rugby dans des clubs de la région, ils étaient particulièrement heureux de pouvoir rencontrer deux jeunes Wallabies et d’échanger sur leurs pratiques respectives. La rencontre s’est terminée par une séance photo, des autographes et une mêlée improvisée avec des élèves ravis !

    On Monday 10th June, we were extremely privileged to welcome Andrew and Phil, two players from the U20 Australian rugby team. Over 60 pupils, boys and girls had gathered in the school library and they spontaneously started clapping as Andrew and Phil walked in. For about an hour, both players answered questions from the pupils. Before they left, they kindly signed autographs and accepted to be photographed again and again ! An informal scrum also took place between all the Sainte Thérèse rugby players and our two sporty VIPs. Such an encounter will be remembered for a very long time. We thank Andrew and Phil very much for giving up some of their precious free time and we wish them both a long and successful rugby career.

    Maryline Fenner

    Live communication with Tooker Avenue School


    Jeudi dernier, les élèves de 6èmeD et 6èmeC ont pu communiquer pendant plus d'une heure avec leurs correspondants américains. Ce fut l'occasion d'échanger sur les habitudes scolaires au collège et à Tooker Avenue School ainsi que sur la routine quotidienne de chacun à la maison.
    Il a également été question de projets de vacances, la Floride a remporté la palme de la destination idéale chez les élèves français.

    Plus de détails ..

    Last Thursday, the students of classes 7C and 7D had the opportunity to exchange a few words with their American penpals. They were able to describe their daily life at home and at school to one another. Not only did they exchange a few words on school issues but they also had a conversation about holiday destinations for this summer. It was to be expected...the French students awarded the trophy of the top holiday destination to... Florida!

    More details...

    Live communication with Tooker Avenue School

    Une correspondance avec une école américaine, Tooker Avenue School, située à West Babylon, Long Island, New York a été établie en septembre 2011. Deux classes de 6èmes du collège échangent plusieurs fois par trimestre avec leurs correspondants américains, cette correspondance se fait par le biais de l'anglais, les élèves américains n'apprenant pas encore le français. Cette correspondance s'inscrit dans une démarche d'ouverture au monde anglophone : vie scolaire et familiale, sports pratiqués, goûts musicaux et passe temps favoris sont autant de sujets abordés dans les lettres. Le 21 mars 2013, les élèves de Sainte Thérèse et de Tooker Avenue School ont pu communiquer grâce à Skype. Cette expérience fort enrichissante sera renouvelée au mois de mai.

    visual and oral communication west babylon school web site

    A correspondence between Collège Ste Thérèse and an American school, Tooker Avenue School, located in West Babylon, Long Island, New York, was established in September 2011. Two year 7 classes have been exchanging letters and photos since the beginning of the school year. The letters are written in English as the American pen friends have not started learning French yet. This exchange contributes successfully to a greater awareness of the English speaking world : both French and American children learn about one another's school life, family life, sports, music, hobbies and so on. On March 21st 2013, the pupils of Ste Thérèse were able to communicate with their American pen friends, thanks to Skype. This successful experience will be renewed in May.

    Our Correspondence with Buckingham Palace

    En 2011, les élèves de 5èmeA et 5èmeD avaient écrit au Prince Williamet Kate Middleton pour les féliciter à l’occasion de leur mariage. Kate et William ont répondu quelques mois plus tard.
    En juin 2012, les élèves de 5èmeA ont écrit à la Reine Elisabeth pour la féliciter à l’occasion de son jubilé de diamant, celle-ci également répondu. Nous attendons bien attendu impatiemment la naissance du bébé de Kate et William (prévu en juin2013) pour écrire de nouveau !

    In 2011, the pupils of year 8A and 8D wrote to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (William and Kate) to congratulate them on their wedding.
    They were thrilled to receive a reply a few weeks later.
    Then in June 2012, year 8A wrote to Queen Elizabeth to congratulate her on her Diamond Jubilee. Again, a few weeks later, the pupils were terribly proud to receive a reply from Buckingham Palace with some beautiful photographs of her Majesty. We are all looking forward to the birth of William and Kate’s baby (due early July) as it will give us a new opportunity to write to Buckingham Palace !

    Une Américaine au Collège Sainte Thérèse

    Le 27 janvier 2012, les élèves des classes de 6èmesC et D ont eu la grande joie de rencontrer Diana, jeune chef pâtissière du New Jersey, qui était venue à Muzillac pour effectuer un stage chez M. Gaël POIVRET. Dans le cadre du projet de découverte des Etats Unis,
    Mme Marilyne FENNER professeur d'anglais a profité de cette occasion pour l'inviter à présenter son métier et à répondre aux questions "tout en anglais" des élèves. Ce bon moment d'échange s'est clôturé par la dégustation des "Diana's famous brownies" généreusement offerts par Diana en partenariat avec la boulangerie- pâtisserie Gaël.

    diana et les élèves

    An American pastry chef as guest of honour at Collège Sainte Thérèse.

    On January 27th 2012, the pupils of year 7C and 7D were thrilled to meet Diana, a young pastry chef from New Jersey, USA. Diana had come to Muzillac to learn different French skills at Gaël’s patisserie. Mrs Maryline FENNER took the opportunity to invite Diana as part of her class project : the pupils prepared questions to interview Diana and find out about her life in the United States. The whole interview was conducted in English. After the interview, the pupils tasted delicious brownies, made by Diana who shared her precious recipe- and kindly offered by Gaël’s.