Interview with a former Royal Marine

18 Déc
For the past few weeks, year 10 have been learning all about Remembrance Day in Britain and other English speaking countries. Last Friday, they met with Denis, a former British Royal Marine. Denis kindly shared his experience with the pupils...
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30 Nov
Le Collège Sainte-Thérèse aux couleurs de Thanksgiving Move over the picture to enlarge it ! As always in November, the cultural syllabus in year 7 takes us to the US for Thanksgiving. The pupils discover the history of the Pilgrims,...
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L’aventure rugbystique se poursuit !

22 Nov
THE RUGBY ADVENTURE CONTINUES ! As part of a cross curricular project on rugby and more specifically on the RWC, on November 10th, the year 7 pupils at Collège Sainte Thérèse had the wonderful opportunity to meet two players from...
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Incorruptibles 2023-2024 : la sélection 6e

12 Nov
La 35ème édition du Prix des Incorruptibles propose aux élèves de 6ème : 6ème Charles 1943 Florence MEDINA Mary-Gaël TRAMON Poulpe Fictions Histoire, guerre, courage Maroussia, celle qui sauva la forêt Carole TRÉBOR Daniel EGNÉUS Little Urban famille, fantastique, écologie La...
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18 Oct
At Collège Sainte Thérèse, RWC 2023 is in full flow ! Every pupil in year 7 and year 10 has adopted a country participating in the competition. There is no better way to learn about the history, geography, traditions of...
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Illustration d’une 4ème de couverture

6 Juil
Après avoir étudié Alice au Pays des Merveilles, les 6A ont créé leur propre 4è de couverture de ce récit classique. Accompagnés de Arnaud COUEGNAS, dessinateur de BD, ils ont découvert les différents étapes de l’illustration : du crayonnage à l’encrage pour...
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